What Causes LCD Screen Damage on the Phone?

Common causes of LCD screen damage on the phone are physical damage such as cracks or scratches, exposure to moisture or humid environments, electrical issues like overheating or power surges, manufacturing defects, or simply wear and tear over time. When the LCD gets damaged, our whole user experience is impacted negatively. After all, this is the sole component responsible for displaying all the features on the screen. But don’t worry!  Most of such issues can be repaired depending on the extent and nature of the damage. We at Cell N Tech have a team of experienced phone repair professionals who know how to deal with various phone LCD-related issues. However, you must understand how to protect your phone LCD from such damage. 

4 Common Causes of LCD Screen Damage on the Phone

Here are some of the most common reasons why your phone’s LCD screen may get damaged.

1. Physical damage

Your phone’s screen LCD is made up of several delicate layers of liquid crystals, which can easily get damaged by pressure or impact. When you drop your phone on the floor or hit it somewhere, there is a high chance of the phone screen getting damaged. To minimize the risk of physical damage, you must invest in a good quality hard case for your phone and a screen protector to protect your phone screen. However, if you still end up with a damaged phone screen, you must get it repaired immediately by visiting a reputed phone repair store to prevent the issue from escalating further. If you leave the scratches or cracks on the phone screen unaddressed, it may lead to dead pixels or similar big issues with time. Some common types of phone screen damage caused by physical impact are:

  1. Cracks
  2. Shatters
  3. Scratches
  4. Dents

2. Water damage

Water damage is another common cause of LCD screen damage on your phone. Exposing your phone to moisture or a humid environment can cause display malfunction, corrosion, dead pixels, touchscreen issues, or even short circuits. Therefore, you must avoid using your phone in the washroom or taking it to pool parties. If you accidentally spill liquid on your phone or drop it in water, you must turn it off immediately and do not turn it on until it is completely dry, and seek professional assistance as soon as possible to minimize the chances of permanent LCD damage.

3. Overheating

Overheating can cause irreversible damage to your phone’s LCD. Some common LCD  issues caused by overheating are:

  • Fading or discoloration
  • Dead pixels
  • Screen warping
  • Screen flickering
  • Image persistence

Therefore, you must avoid using your phone in extremely hot temperatures and refrain from using it to prevent it from overheating. We at Cell N Tech have a team of experts who specialize in dealing with phone overheating issues.

4. Manufacturing defects

This is very rare, but sometimes, LCD screen damage can be caused by manufacturing defects. This happens when faulty or low-quality components are used in the phone’s manufacturing process. It can lead to dead pixels, distorted displays, or screen flickering. If you suspect that your phone’s LCD damage is due to manufacturing defects, it’s crucial to seek professional screen repair services to diagnose and fix the issue.

5. Wear & Tear

Wear and tear on phone LCD screens can lead to gradual deterioration due to everyday use. Continuous tapping and swiping can cause minor scratches, while exposure to oils, dirt, and dust can build up over time, potentially leading to smudges and reduced screen clarity. These factors impact not only the aesthetics of your phone but also its functionality. 

Can the LCD screen be repaired?

Yes, LCD screens can often be repaired depending on the nature and extent of the damage. Professional technicians can address common issues such as cracked screens, dead pixels, or backlight problems.

What causes LCD failure?

LCD failure can be caused by various factors, such as physical damage like cracks or scratches on the screen, electrical issues like power surges or overheating, manufacturing defects, or simply wear and tear over time.

Can an LCD break on its own?

It is very rare, but an LCD screen can potentially develop issues or fail without any external force causing damage. Over time, internal defects, manufacturing flaws, or component degradation can lead to spontaneous failure or malfunction. 


Common causes of LCD screen damage on phones include physical impact, water damage, overheating, manufacturing defects, and wear & tear over time. Investing in a good quality screen protector and a hard phone case, carefully using your phone by avoiding exposing it to moisture or humid environments, and not overusing it can help prevent LCD damage. However, if you do end up damaging it, you must not delay getting professional assistance, as delaying it may further worsen the issue. We at Cell NTech have a team of qualified professionals who can fix all your LCD-related problems effectively. So, if you are facing any LCD-related issues, do not hesitate to reach out to us or visit our phone repair shop for immediate help.