How to Remove Bubbles From Screen Protector After Installation?

How to Remove Bubbles From Screen Protector After Installation?

If you are a smartphone owner and have applied a screen protector on its screen, you probably have experienced bubbles forming under it, whether in the middle of the corner. It is really annoying. But you can easily remove bubbles from the screen protector by using a credit card or some other flat object to push the bubbles toward the edge of the screen, where they will disappear. However, if the bubbles are larger, you can use a hairdryer. However, be very careful to use the hairdryer on low settings to avoid damaging the smartphone.

A hairdryer can help make the screen protector stick better. Another way is to use lubricating fluid. All you have to do is apply lubricating fluid, press out bubbles, let dry, and remove excess. However, if you are unable to remove bubbles from the screen protector after installation following the methods mentioned above, you can always come to us at Cell N Tech for professional assistance. We can help you with all your phone-related concerns. Whether it is a phone screen repair or a problematic screen protector, we have got you.

4 Ways to Remove Bubbles From Screen Protector After Installation

Here is what you have to do.

1. Using a Credit Card

One easy way to get rid of bubbles is to use any hard plastic card, like a debit or credit card, to remove them.

Here’s how to use a card to remove bubbles from a screen protector:

  • Gently push bubbles to the edges using a flat tool like a credit card or plastic spatula.
  • If bubbles persist, remove the screen protector, clean the screen, and reapply it carefully.
  • Align the screen properly and apply even pressure to push out the remaining bubbles.
  • If bubbles persist, seek help from a professional repair shop.

2. Hairdryer Method

Another effective method to remove bubbles from a screen protector after installation is the hairdryer method. Here’s how:

  • Turn on the hair dryer.
  • Aim hot air at the screen.
  • Once the screen softens, turn off the dryer.
  • Press bubbles with your fingers till they disappear.

One thing you must be very careful about is to use the hair dryer on low settings to avoid screen damage.

3. Clips

To fix air bubbles in the screen protector, you can also use a clip. It’s easy and effective. Once you start, you won’t worry about bubbles again. To use the clip method:

  • Gently press the clip onto the screen protector over the bubble.
  • Apply steady pressure for a few seconds.

To clean the sticky side of a screen protector, start by gently lifting the edge of the protector using a piece of tape or your fingernail. Once you’ve lifted it slightly, apply some rubbing alcohol or adhesive remover to a microfiber cloth and gently wipe the sticky residue away. Avoid using excessive pressure to prevent damaging the screen or the protector. If there are stubborn areas, you can try using a plastic card to carefully scrape off the residue. Just remember to be gentle to avoid scratching the surface.

4. Liquid Fluid

To remove bubbles from a screen protector, clean the tempered glass screen protector, apply liquid fluid, and push the bubbles to the edges.

  • Look at the bubbles near the phone’s edge.
  • Press them down, but they keep coming back.
  • Use a little lubricating liquid to fix the bubbles.
  • Put a tiny bit of liquid on a toothpick.
  • Lift the corner near the bubbles and touch them with the liquid.
  • The bubbles will disappear when they touch the liquid.

Remember, not everyone can do this easily. You might make new bubbles while trying to remove them. Hence, if you are not sure about doing it yourself, you may seek professional help.


So these are some of the effective ways to remove bubbles from screen protector after installation. You can use a credit card if the bubbles are minor. However, if the bubbles are larger, use a hairdryer but on low settings to avoid damaging the screen. Other methods include liquid fluid and clip. If you are unable to remove bubbles with the methods mentioned above, come to us at Cell N Tech. We use high-quality screen protectors to ensure you do not have to face any issues like the bubbles on the screen protector., and that too at affordable prices. Contact us to book an appointment or visit our website for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do screen protector air bubbles go away?

If you do not remove the air bubbles after the application of the screen protector, they won’t go away on their own. However, if the screen protector is of very high quality, it may go away 24 to 48 hours after the application.

Does a hair dryer get bubbles out of a screen protector?

Yes. A hairdryer can get bubbles out of a screen protector. If the bubbles are minor, you can just use a credit card or other flat objects to push out the bubbles. However, if the bubbles are larger, you can use a hairdryer. However, you must be very careful to use it on a low setting to make the screen protector stick better.

Will water under a screen protector dry?

No. Water under a screen protector will not dry on its own. You will have to remove the screen protector, clean the screen, and apply a new screen protector.